Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Heart is Low

So almost twenty years ago, A Woman's Heart was released. The title song has been haunting me for the last month or so...

My heart is low, my heart is so low as only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's heart can know

The tears that drip from my bewildered eyes taste of bittersweet romance
You're still in my heart, you're still on my mind
And even though I manage on my own...

My heart is low, my heart is so low as only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's heart can know

My restless eyes reveal my troubled soul and memories flood my weary heart
I mourn for my dreams, I mourn for my wasted love
And while I know that I'll survive alone...

My heart is low, my heart is so low as only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's heart can know....

My heart is low, my heart is so low as only a woman's heart can be
As only a woman's, as only a woman's heart can know...

With all the disappointment and stress of my life since January, I really feel so completely down, so low...

God only gives us what we can handle, I keep telling myself. Others are worse off than me...But my heart is low today...

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