Thursday, March 17, 2022

Speed Limit Birthday

 I spent the weekend in Chicago. It went by in a blur- Drinks and dinner with friends, a green river, the Art museum full of Monets, amazing Guatemalan food, a Thai massage (NEVER AGAIN but HILARIOUS!!) and a visit to the bean, a drink 96 floors up, cake and pizza... It was a good time had by all!

Liz is off to her next big adventure- Mexico then Guatemala, so it was a send-off for her as well. 

I am grateful to my cousin Maryellen who hosted us along with Jean and Geraldine, her housemates. 

Here's to the next 55!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Goodbye Nonna

 My son's grandmother, Carmela, died at the end of February. 

My son last saw her when we were in New York for my father's funeral mass. We visited her and my son's aunt, Roe. It was a good visit. Roe, who has been living with cancer for the last several years, was having a good day. Carmela recognized my son, which was not assured given her diagnosis of Parkinson's and dementia. It was such a good visit. I am glad it is our last memory of both of them.

Roe died in November after her long struggle. Carmela moved to her sister's house in Sicily the week prior to Roe's passing. Roe had arranged everything for her mom. She was the perfect daughter.

My son has lost so much in the last two years. I think he might be numb to all the tragedy and sadness.  I ache for him. What can you do when there is nothing you can do?