Wednesday, August 19, 2015

9-11 Memorial

My visit to lower Manhattan was work related, but I am still trying to do new things and I thought that, maybe, finally I could visit the memorial.

You can see the new tower in the skyline and the church is dwarfed by the surrounding structures.

The reflecting pools are beautiful, and perfect reminders of what once stood here. I was grateful to Jason that I was not alone, and thankful he stepped back as I grieved. This was so overwhelming even so long after the fact. It is hard to describe seeing the names of our neighborhood boys etched in steel.


 Fr. Judge



And to tell the truth, I found it a little disturbing that the atmosphere was more like a carnival than a memorial park- I expected it to be more like the Vietnam Memorial in D.C., but that reverence was missing.  I was not prepared for that.

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Brooklyn Bridge

 I had never walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, so while I was downtown on a recent visit, my friend Jason recommended doing it. He knows I am chasing 50 new things- and has some crazy ideas I may even try out. He joined me for the walk and is my official photographer.
 It is a nice walkway, even if people can't follow simple directions. Dude, when that bike knocks you down, it will be your fault for being in the bike lane. Yup- you can take the girl outta the Bronx...
 The views are so beautiful- the photos just don't do it justice.
 And the structure itself is just amazing- a work of art.
So if you ever find yourself at City Hall, consider walking East to Brooklyn- the views will take your breath away.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

TV in the Fall, 2015

TV land has become a disappointment over the last six months.

Covert Affairs was cancelled... Bah Humbug! Unforgettable was cancelled again. Whatever!

Forever was cancelled. My son and I LOVED it and it was cancelled...

CSI ended and I am not sure if anyone noticed. Mad Men ended... I would like to buy the world a Coke!  I also want to sit on Don's couch.

Downton Abbey will have only one more season, and Sherlock is still AGES away...

Some in the TV world went off the rails entirely.

Yes, I am looking at you Shondra Rhimes! I will never watch Grey's Anatomy again after you killed McDreamy- and I have watched since the very first episode.  I stayed with you when Izzy left, George died, and through the plane crash and death of both Mark and Lexie. Even after Christine left, I stayed. This- I am done. You killed more than Derrick. Now I just do not care what happens. Done.

Same goes for Scandal- You jumped the shark with the Olivia kidnapping and I walked away and realized I just don't care. I was Team Jake all the way...  Which you would never let happen, but now I do not care.

I didn't finish watching Chicago PD  season, gave up on Graceland, and don't feel pressed to go back to How to get Away with Murder.

At least the new Walking Dead is coming soon. It is worth watching simply to fill the gap before the  original Walking Dead comes back.

There are a few others like Modern Family and The Big Bang I am looking forward to, but not much to rush home for.

More time to read, I guess!