Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Next Chapter

I have worked almost my whole nursing career in grant-funded positions where the need was great- in the South Bronx with children, with the HIV+ population in Yonkers, and most recently with the EB community. I have worked with debra for nine years- it is difficult work, challenging, and bad days are tough. But I love the EB community and have done my best to serve them.

Sometimes it is just time to move on, and I found a new job in Children’s that I think suits me. On the 24th of August, I accepted and then called my current Executive Director to let him know.

Leaving is hard. Always.

Next came the letter to the Board….

August 27, 2015
Dear Members of the Board,
I am writing to notify you that I have accepted a position at Children’s Hospital  in the Human Genetics Department. I will be working with families who have Neurofibromatosis.

Nine years ago, I was welcomed into the debra family and I cannot express how grateful I have been to have the support of our EB providers, patients, families and the amazing debra staff. I was taught, my questions were answered and information was generously shared. My work with debra has been life changing. Moving forward, I know I am a better nurse for the experiences I have had during my time as the debra Nurse Educator.

As I transition to my new role, I will do all I can to assist the next debra Nurse, just as Madeline Weiner assisted me when I started. My goal, always, is to insure the success of debra and debra’s support of our families.

It was hard to write, and the kind response of gratitude I received warmed my heart.

But the hardest part was yet to come. I had to say goodbye to the families I have worked with for nearly a decade.  I finally finished the final touches and posted this on Facebook:

Hi Everyone, Nurse Geri here. I have some big news to share with you all.

I am transitioning to a new role at Children’s Hospital, working in the Division of Human Genetics. In my new role, I will be working in an ambulatory care setting with families who have Neurofibromatosis, another difficult genetic disorder.

At the same time that I am excited by the new challenges this work will bring me, I am saddened by the fact that I will have a less active role in the EB community. You have all taught me so much. You have shared your stories, your successes and failures and taught me what EB really means in everyday life.  For your support, I will always be grateful. 

I will assist the new debra nurse in any way I can, just as Madeline helped me when I started back in 2006. And I am sure all of you will share all you can so this individual finds the same success I did. Your compassion, honesty, and kindness have helped ease the stress of working with this very complex disorder- we all know it is so much more than a skin disease.

Thank you everyone, for nine amazing years!

So much harder than I imagined. I am excited for my new adventure, but I will miss this work, this world… Change is hard, good-bye is hard. I am waiting for the next chapter to start.