Thursday, March 30, 2017

5623 day countdown

15 years, 4 months, and 22 days from today I will be eligible to retire from my current job and receive a small pension and have Medicare as my health insurance. It doesn't seem so long, really. I work with good people and like what I do.

A little less than two years later, I will be able to start receiving Social Security.

Well, according to today's rules... but as this White House has taught us, rules have been made to be abolished.

Additionally, I contribute to a 403b through payroll deduction- unfortunately we do not get a match, but you can't have everything. I am on schedule to have my house paid off before I retire- how much before remains to be seen- I would LOVE to get it done in the next 8 years, but will settle for 10 if I have to... Time will tell.

I look forward to exploring places and not having to rush home. See friends and family around the globe. Walk on the Great Wall, see the Pyramids, visit Petra, take in Bethlehem, pray at the Wailing Wall, dance in Buenos Aires.... so many adventures await.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Baby step Two

So in 2011 I tried a spending fast that didn't really go that well. I got debt free that go round. And then I financed a car and started paying for braces and shopping on credit to fill the gaps. BIG MISTAKE!!! I regret not making a proper budget then. Live and learn I guess.

I tried again to get my finances in check in 2014- I have not used a credit card since that time but have STILL not paid off what I owe in consumer debt. Amazing how quickly those balances can climb.

Progress since then has been steady and I have been working hard since September of 2016, but I had to finance a new furnace at the end of 2016. Bah-Humbug! More debt added to the pile. But the old furnace was over 30 years old. It was time.

Now my car is paid off.

I paid the last installment on my son's braces.

I finished paying off the hospital for my surgery last summer.

I refinanced my mortgage to a 15 year at a lower rate.

I am working outside the hospital for additional income and will try to earn a promotion this year.

I keep reminding myself it took me years to build up this debt. That I need to be patient.

I am impatient. I want to be there. I want to be done.

Getting out of debt is so much harder than getting in. When I get free this time I am staying that way. Period- end of story.