Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Roaring 20's have arrived

I can’t believe tomorrow is 2020. Both of my children are graduating in the Spring, and as it looks now, both will be moving on to their grown up lives over the next 12 months. So hard to believe.

I also have new people coming to join my household. A single mom and her little girl will join my eclectic clan in February, until work on her house is completed.

I just snuck into New York and saw some of my family over the holidays- I always wish I had more time but it was wonderful to be together.

My father just celebrated his second Christmas on Hospice down in Florida.  It is hard to say goodbye from so far away. I pray for his peace.

Aad it is time now to recommit and say what I would like my 2020 year to look like:

I am still working the Dave Ramsey Plan. This multi-year project started in 2014 but it is my priority. After re-reading the Total Money Makeover, it is time to recommit to my dream of being debt free. I am going to be buying only things I need, and stop buying stuff I want but don’t need. Which experience has taught me is easier said than done.

How to start?

Simply,  I need to commit to packing my lunch instead of buying stuff in the cafeteria each day. Cooking at home and packing my lunch will save money and I will eat better.

I have to save more money- starting with restocking (again) my $1000 Emergency Fund and working on a promotion this Spring.

I will be borrowing books on Hoopla instead of buying them. And read off my shelves- I have YEARS worth of books in my house available.

There are also some things about me that need adjusting.

I need to partake in MUCH LESS social media. I need to spend a lot less time scrolling. Which means weekly check-ins rather than daily check-ins on Instagram and Facebook and much less time on computer games

I would like to be quieter and contemplative- I need to bring more silence to the world instead of sound.

I need to write EVERY DAY- the stories in my head need a home on the page. Projects started long ago need a finish date.

My work in progress: Do a better job of being a positive person: As “Dear Abby” says, “What is the kindest, most loving thing I can say or do at this particular moment?" 

This summer I want to grow vegetables and flowers outside and fill my house with plants inside. 

I will actively support charity more. Time to put my money where my mouth is!

Since there is so little time left, I need to spend more quality time with my children… I am taking them to Costa Rica so they can meet all (or most) of my Peace Corps family. Our first big family trip and I can’t wait.

I want to be content with my life as is- be me and be happy about it.

Do you have things to accomplish this year? I wish you luck with it. Happy New Year!