Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rare Disease Day


Take a moment, follow the link, click on the banner and make a difference.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daytona 500


I am really tired today but that is to be expected when the Sunday Daytona 500 ends early Tuesday morning.

And it did not disappoint.

No more two car tandems for hundreds of laps. No boring racing couples rounding the track.

And the fun started early- halfway through lap 2, Sadler tapped Jimmie, spun him into the wall and parts flew everywhere. Little Ms. Go-Daddy threaded a needle between two spinning cars and both David Regan and Jimmie were all done. Not sure how Jimmie is above Regan in points since he clearly wrecked first, but that's NASCAR.

The halfway prize money went to Martin Truex, Jeff Gordon blew an engine and by the end 21 cars were wrecked at some point, with 11 not even finishing. Wreckers or checkers, indeed.

But the Montoya wreck and the ensuing fire, and a repair that included Tide is just beyond words. How in the world did the track not melt? How did they have a plan to fix the track after a fire like that...

Twittering from the back field from Ski, Carl Edwards asking for Subway... Well, it was a two hour delay...

Oh, and Matt Kenseth won, even with water shooting out. 2012 is off and running and this proves that ANYTHING can happen.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Getting a liver

I often say I am a big believer in organ donation. I had a sticker on my car:

Don't take your organs to Heaven...Heaven knows we need them here...

But every now and then, I am reminded of what it is really about.

Today was like that.

My friend just called.

The little girl we have all praying for got the call. She is going to get a new liver sometime later today.

As amazing as this news is for her... my mind goes to the family that, in an hour of overwhelming darkness, made an amazing gift of life to a complete stranger.

I am in awe of them.

Thank you so much for giving her life back, giving her mom hope. It is such an impressive gift of love.

What a beautiful day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have a confession to make. Forgiveness is really hard for me.

I have a memory for details, dates, things said and forgotten. Friends of mine defer to my recollection of events, because they long ago deleted memories I can still vividly recall. A blessing when it comes to funny stories- like a family member who was house-sitting for my sister calling me because the dog locked them out…

Happened in the late 90’s and still makes me laugh.

Dancing at the drive thru at White Castle- on top of the car, really? Yeah- plenty I could forget.

I remember reaching out to a college friend, and chatting with his wife for ages. I imagine when he got home and she mentioned I called that his heart skipped a beat worrying about what I might have told her. (No, I did not give up any long held secrets- I am not that girl!)

Because I remember everything, it is hard for me to “forget” when I am hurt. “Forget” the words and deeds that intentionally or unintentionally wound me. And I get that it is better for me in the end to let go… I understand most don’t really care about what they did. If they got what they wanted, the ends justify the means and to some people, that is the only important thing.

The forgiveness is for my benefit, really.

My friend Eileen (who really is one of the most amazing women I will ever know) and I were talking not so long ago on the topic, and she reminded me of a basic fact.

People are human, they do their best.

She reminded me that the individual I was SO disappointed in did not have intent. There was no intent to injure me. She understood why it hurt, but was right. My pain was a side effect of a life choice.

The pain was unintentional.

Since that conversation, even my disappointment has sort of faded. In the grand scheme of things, really- What difference does any of it make?

And a weight lifts from me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

“But, Mom, I am dying…”

My daughter called me at work yesterday. Several times. Interrupting my efforts to finish a paper I am writing.

She woke up sick and called to tell me about how sick she was… “I am dying…”

I was not too sympathetic. And was not going to leave work. Which annoyed my child. And she shared her annoyance with me. I told her to go to the Urgent Care Center if she wanted to see a doctor. That a doctor could evaluate her and tell her what was wrong.

She is sure she has Mono…

I also told her she didn’t have Mono, and I didn’t care WHAT Google had to say on the subject.


The fact that I have been a nurse for over 20 years and have triaged thousands of sick children aside, I was not overly concerned about her. Nobody who is terribly sick has the energy to argue that much.

Today, my daughter went to see the doctor, and I am really happy I was not required to go- her being 18 has that advantage. She discovered what a co-pay is ($50), much to her dismay and found out she has a sinus infection.

Not Mono.

I won’t say I told her so…

She dropped off her own prescription at CVS, which has its own co-pay ($10) and will soon be on the road to recovery.

And now I can get back to work.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Death and Taxes

It is that time of year again.

I spent all day doing my taxes. A process that is really more complicated than necessary. I miss the short form... filling out four lines of information and mailing out the return. The simplicity...

But that was before I had a tax life... Before kids aka dependants and a child care deduction, a house aka interest/property tax deduction, and stock ownership aka dividend reporting.

I use TurboTax now, and have for 3 years and have been happy with the result.

So I collect all my documents, and I answer all the questions. Then TurboTax blurts out the end result.

I have ABSOLUTELY no understanding of how it figures out what I get back/owe. Is it bad that I also don't really care? I just want to get it done. And if I don't owe Uncle Sam another boatload of money, that is bonus.

This year, I am getting a small check from the IRS. The state of Ohio is sending me a check for...

Drumroll please...


Hardly seems worth the effort...

And I still have to file with Fairfield...

I know there is no avoiding taxes... but taxes will be the death of me...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Goodbye Whitney

At 3pm EST, Whitney Houston was pronounced dead in Beverly Hills.

Eventually we will have all the thousands of details, the hows and whats and all the suppositions as well.

My thoughts go to her poor daughter. She will have to listen to all the crap people have to say, while grieving for her loss. She should have had decades more with her mom... the poor child.

Her greatest gift, thankfully, has been captured on film and on her albums... she is already a legend. And now the voice of an angel that was Whitney Houston is gone, silent forever.

So very sad.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What a difference a year makes

I am going skirt dancing tonight. Zumba is in the morning. And the Scout Hike is tomorrow afternoon.

My daughter is attending Miami Hamilton, my son is half way through 4th grade. They are healthy- a blessing I just cannot stress enough.

Work has it challenges, but then, doesn't it always. We will soon be moving to new office space and it is exciting.

I am exercising regularly for the first time since High School swim team. I have friends that join me for some of the classes (even if they grumble a little). Spinning is grueling, Salsa is great fun, and Zumba- God I love Zumba. LaToya is just amazing.

I am writing a paper for a professional journal. OH MY GOD! And while the co-directors will be on the paper, I will be first author. Which is a BIG deal. Even if it is a little paper.

I will be travelling to Florida, Canada and Barcelona for work (which means I need to renew my passport) and down south with Liz this summer as a get away.

I have girlfriends I can call at 3am... But now I really don't feel the need. At least not today. It is calming, though, to know I could if I needed to.

Life may not be perfect, but it is perfect for me in this moment.

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson