Monday, June 29, 2020

Prayers of the Faithful

On this day, in 2018, my uncle died. Several days later we gathered to say goodbye and representatives of his tribe: nieces or nephews, one from each of his siblings families, took turns, praying the following:

The Priest: Christ is the Good Shepherd who gives His life to save those He loves. In our loss, let us turn to Him and with confidence make our needs known to Him.

Colleen: We pray for the gift of Eternal Life: That Sean will be received into the Lord's loving embrace.    Lord, hear us.

Me: We pray for Sean, that Christ may have mercy in his soul and grant him the fullness of risen life where all burdens will be lifted and peace enjoyed.    Lord, hear us.

Peter (His Godson): As we gather in sadness at the death of Sean, we carry with us many good memories of his years of love and care as husband, father, brother, uncle, brother in law, neighbour and friend, his open and welcoming personality, his work and love if the land, animals and farming, his ease with and love of all people and especially children, his ever presence and willingness to help in every moment of need, a man who was a good neighbour. We remember the burdens of sadness and grief that he carried as we pray that death may be for him but a step into the friendship and presence of God.    Lord hear us.

Laura: We pray for Sean's family, that in these difficult and dark days they may be sustained by their faith, and by the knowledge that they will be reunited with Sean one day in God's heavenly kingdom.  Lord hear us.

Lisa: The gift of life, which we all share, is very precious. Lord, make us more aware of the gifts and talents you have given us, particularly those that we so often take for granted. May we use them to make the world a better place.   Lord, hear us.

Paul: We pray for all who are sick, lonely or who find their journey in life difficult or who travel the lonely road of bereavement. May they experience the closeness of Christ who will give them and their loved ones strength, comfort and healing.    Lord, hear us.

Caroline: We pray that all who have departed from this life believing in God, especially Alison, may find light, happiness and peace in his kingdom. Lord, hear us.

Catherine: For all of us gathered here: that we may remember at all times, but especially at times of trouble and anxiety, that we are loved by God and that he will take care of us.   Lord, hear us.

I still miss my sweet uncle so much.