Friday, September 30, 2011

Spending Fast, take two...

Okay, so I was a complete and utter FLOP at this the last time (See July and August entries)...Anna Newell Jones, of is clearly a better person than me.

I am going to try this again. October 1st is the launch date for my second attempt. Hopefully I last more than a week this time around.

And here is my updated list of Items I need to spend money on:

Mortgage/Home Insurance/Escrow: Not optional!

Urgent Home repairs- To rate as urgent I will ask Tony; If he says "Now", then now it is.

Utilities (keeping lights and water off as much as possible and using the dryer less; keeping the thermostat at 65 and wearing a sweater when the cold comes)

Basic Cell phone service- For both John and me. He is keeping Liz's number and I have my own bill now.

Internet/TV/Phone- because as much as I need to pay my debt, I need 911 ability when the power is out, internet for working from home, and TV for my son so the next six months does not kill him

Food (store bought and only when I run out of stuff in cupboards and freezers)

School fees and Latchkey (like death and taxes- unavoidable!)

Allowance for John- cause he works so hard

Fairfield Community Center Pass for me- the exercise is essential to my health plan.

Doctors, Dentists and Medication co-pays- cause healthy is happy. (And with 2 less meds, it is less money)

Car insurance- which is down to the bare bones with both the Monte and the Land Rover sold.

Birthday and Christmas gifts for my children and our family Kris Kringle- this is a need for the holiday spirit, cause Christmas is still really hard for me.

Gas for commuting, oil changes, and other car maintainance stuff

Life insurance

Charitable giving- I have routine financial donations I make, and will donate all the extra stuff- AKA crap- I have EVERYWHERE. My daughter may be right. HOARDERS may need a call...

My Emergency fund... it is sorely underfunded.

My retirement fund- 15% is coming off the top. I have lost too much ground to ignore my future planning.

What I'm NOT spending money on:

Books… I have plenty I have not read yet, but this still hurts...

Cards & Gifts - truth be told, I definitely have enough cards of all kinds to last a year... or ten... see Hoarders comment above...

Trinkets…AKA crap...There is a great deal of stuff that fits in this category...

New make-up, hair stuff- bands, elastics etc… This may belong with trinkets...AKA crap...

Eating out- no McDonalds, IHOP, Applebees… the list goes on but you get the idea...

Movies/DVDs… not even Harry Potter on DVD… Which would make such a good Christmas gift if someone wanted to buy me something...

Shoes…which usually is not a big deal for me… I can already feel people wrinkling their noses.

Bed linens/Towels/Houseware items… There is already too much stuff living in this house.

Decorative house stuff… so expect their stock to PLUMMET during these 6 months

Cafeteria food… I spend a BOATLOAD of money in the cafeteria…


Now, several of you may have noticed I did not include debt repayment in my plan anywhere. This is because I am consumer debt free. Let me say that again:

I am consumer debt free.

I am writing checks this week to erase every outstanding balance. My only debt will be my mortgage.

I just cannot believe it.

Now I know some will ask- why fast if you are free? And the simple answer is... I have been debt free before. And I blew it. So the fast is about teaching me WANT from NEED. It is to teach me about SAVING as a priority. For too long, too many of us have not done enough to protect ourselves. I have had 3 people in my life search for work for over a year. It happens. And I need to be ready. Six months of expenses in an Emergency fund? I don't have 6 days. And that needs to change. Now is the time.

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