Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who am I...

I am a professional and have been in my field since 1991. I have two children, and bought my first house after transferring from the East Coast to Southwestern Ohio. As I hate packing/moving, my intention is to die in my house, though no time soon.

Prior to home ownership, I traveled extensively for business and pleasure, and find new places to be exciting. Except Alaska- I will NEVER go back to the Arctic circle- and on principle, Antarctica is out too. They take cold too far. I loved Tyrol, Austria, and Ireland is truly beautiful. Traveling by chicken bus in Central America is an experience words cannot do justice in describing.

My eyes are the best feature, and are a lovely blue color, my hair grows rapidly. It is dark blonde with grey highlights. While I always like to look my best and smell nice, makeup is light, when necessary, and many days it is just not necessary. As for a girlie girl, I am not her.

I tend to be liberal in my worldview; however I try to be tolerant of other viewpoints. I keep up on what happens around the world, as I believe this impacts more than most folks realize. In some ways I am conservative- my ears are the only piercing I will ever have, tattoos are not necessary, I don't do drugs and won't spend time with those that do. Being on time is common courtesy.

I am a Gray's Anatomy fan, I watch Lost like a religion (not rational, but they keep sucking me in). The History Channel is a favorite and HGTV has some shows I watch from time to time, and I watch the news on BBC. Otherwise, it is mostly junk. Jerry Springer is a perfect example of how reality can go so wrong.

I am a "watch movies at home" person, because it is more peaceful. Watched Blood Diamond- awesome and reconfirms my decision never to support the diamond trade. I love movies like Crash and Silence of the Lambs, but don't believe in paying to watch horror films. The single exception is Nightmare on Elm Street- which I saw with a friend. Classic movies are always fun.

I only go to malls when I have a specific need, find it and buy it. I see little reason to waste a day looking around. I do not need to be entertained every minute, though dancing is something I really enjoy. Poker is also a great way to spend an evening. Sky diving was also something I really loved doing. I believe if more people jumped out of planes, drug use in this country would plummet. Did I mention I inherited dry wit from my father.

I confess, I cannot ride a motorcycle- my friend tried with no success, to teach me to shift gears...just something I cannot do...would love to, but I am strictly back seat material. Her husband told me recently some bikes are automatic, so maybe someday. I would have to wear a helmet, as I am a safety first kind of person.

I listen to everything from Led Zeppelin to John Denver, minus all rap after Blondie's Rapture and Sugarhill gang’s Rapper’s delight, and any/all forms of Hip Hop. I just don't think it is music.

I read voraciously- W.E.B. Griffin is my favorite author, and although I hate to admit it, I am a Harry Potter nerd (pre-ordered the books, read them immediately). It is a sickness really.

Texting and instant messaging seems to be taking away the ability of the masses to put full thoughts together in writing. I don't believe I will head down that road, but can never say never.

Having friends and separate interests will always be important.
So that is me.

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