Thursday, March 28, 2013

Looking for my Keeper

I want to fall in love again. for keeps this time. Forever.

Last year a friend asked me what my "must haves" were, and I didn't really have a good answer. So I thought about it. What do I want- I want someone who really loves me... but what does that really look like? I want a man who is faithful to God... but what does that really mean?

I pondered it for a really long time. I wrote list after list. And I crossed things off, added stuff and threw out the list and started all over.

Love, honesty, kindness... Honor...commitment...

And I am still not sure I have everything I need, but I need to start somewhere:

My must haves:

1. I want a man who does not smoke or use drugs recreationally. Ever.
2. I want a man who drinks only occasionally or not at all.
3. I want a man who is intelligent in his area of expertise and a good conversationalist.
4. I want a man who enjoys the physical side of a loving relationship.
5. No Porn- it is just not okay.
6. He must be tolerant of all lifestyle choices- to each his own.
7. He must accept that my kids are a permanent part of my life and that family has a big role in my world.
8. He must be supportive of me and my viewpoint, even when it differs from his own- agree to disagree.

Things that would be nice to have:

1. Well read
2. Well-travelled
3. Nice smile
4. Beautiful eyes
5. The manners of a gentleman

Please let me know what is missing... Because I am sure I missed something...

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