Wednesday, March 27, 2013


In a 2011 post, I touched on the crime of date rape... But to read what happened to a 16 year old girl at the hands of boys she knew, while surrounded by children she knew... The story left me cold.

I cannot believe her friends left her in that state. I cannot believe NOBODY stepped in on her behalf. I cannot believe photos and video were shared and laughed over...


The defense of the those charged made me sick to my stomach.

It was her fault she got so drunk... but she wasn't so drunk... It was her fault, she didn't say no... They did nothing wrong...

Hey Stupid- there are pictures. EVERYWHERE!  Of you, Stupid! Oh, and video, too...


After the guilty verdict, this survivor was threatened- two girls were arrested. CNN's reporter showed more concern for the boys who did this than for the girl who's life will NEVER be the same. CNN- you can backpedal all you want but that reporter was out of line. WAY, way out...

You know why so many women never tell when they are raped, sodomized, brutalized? Why the crimes are underreported?


Because the survivors get CRUCIFIED on the stand. And by the media. And on social media.

And I realize my anger is showing- believe me I am ANGRY. Furious, heartbroken, sad beyond words and PISSED that this happens every day, all the time, routinely. And on that night last August, nobody thought anything about it- nobody recognized it for the crime it was.

I pray for this girl and her family.

I sat down with my son last night and told him all that happened. And I told him what I expect of him. That if he ever found himself in a place where something this crazy is happening, my expectation would be for him to step up and protect the one who wasn't able to protect herself. To call for help if that was impossible. To do the right thing.

It will be a conversation again and again in the coming years. He will know that what these children did, and what the other children didn't do, is not okay. Will never be okay.

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