Monday, December 16, 2013

Thankfulness Journal days 23-26

Thankfulness Journal Day 23

It is Friday, December 13th and I am grateful for:

1. The ornament my sister sent me- I love it

2. My father’s generous offer- he wants me to visit and offered to pay, since budgeting the trip would postpone it for a long while

3. My son’s teachers, who give their best every day and it shows

4. Snow on a weekend- so I don’t have to drive all the way downtown in it

5. Surprise presents- My aunt left me Irish tea- picture me happy!

Thankfulness Journal Day 24

It is Saturday, December 14th and I am grateful for:

1. Saturday dermatology appointments (and cancellations that get me in so fast!)

2. That my little spots were easy to remove and my skin check is now all clear

3. My snake racks going to a good home

4. Ron helping me move heavy stuff up the stairs

5. That the predicted rotten weather didn’t show up- Happy day!

Thankfulness Journal Day 25

It is Sunday, December 15th and I am grateful for:

1. Confirmed travel plans- my daughter, my son and I all know where everyone will be and when…

2. My daughter’s dad’s family- they are good people to both her and me.

3. The kindness of my children- we rescued a little stray on a cold night- now to find the owners

4. The Fairfield Police- because they take “found animal” reports

5. The wait staff everywhere- they work hard

Thankfulness Journal Day 26

It is Monday, December 16th and I am grateful for:

1. Scoopable litter- if you have a cat, you know what I mean

2. CCHMC and the staff here- it is a special place

3. My friends at Forest Park Auto- they make it so much easier

4. Goodies from the office- love my new hand cream!

5. Recycled treasures

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