Sunday, April 1, 2012

I have a problem

Shocked beyond words…

I just don’t believe this is happening again. The vomiting is bad enough, but even when I haven’t eaten I feel burning in the back of my throat. After ten years you would think I would have forgotten it all. But it came back in a wave.

What will people say?

I am not sure how I ended up here again. Where do I even start? How in the world can I explain? I am way too old for this crap.

But I guess it was January. I joined eHarmony in an effort to restart my love life- okay maybe it was more like cardioversion.

Hit or miss, fellas who were looking for different things than me. One who said I wasn’t physically attractive enough to suit him. Odd how he waited so long to totally insult me.

How do you meet normal people anyway?

Turning 45 this year, I wanted to find someone who was looking for me for a change. Someone kind, someone amazing, generous, and then he sent an ice-breaker saying hi...

It is high school all over again, only now I wondered if he would e-mail back... And he did.

Then came talking.

And then came meeting...

He was just lovely...

We danced a little, ate well, and had the most amazing night, even after desire overcame common sense.

Work has been hectic, so I didn't give it much thought at first, but after two weeks of not really being worried, I grew a little concerned,

Finally, after the kids left for the Hunger Games, I decided to confirm I had nothing to worry about.

It was unlikely.

I am old.

After five minutes I discovered the stick was blue. This really isn't the element of my Granny Kelly's life I planned to emulate...

I wish I could have a drink...


  1. Is this an April Fool's prank?- Maryann

  2. Yes it was- I hope everyone enjoyed it. I certainly did!
