Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spending Fast...

Anna Newell Jones, of went on a spending fast for a year and got out of debt…she is my hero!

I set a goal at the beginning of the year to be debt free as soon as possible. And then the disasters began- broken appliances, fractured sewer line, pay decreases, and car issues… Things were so bad, I raided the money you are not supposed to touch, EVER!!!

So to get back on track, and have a better idea of the priorities, I am going to try a spending fast… From August 1st 2011 to February 1st 2012. I have taken Anna’s list and made the changes that reflect the differences in our lifestyles…

This is my draft- and please let me know with your comments if I am missing something obvious…

Items I need to spend money on:
Mortgage/Home Insurance/Escrow: Not optional!

Urgent Home repairs… but hopefully I am past that stage… Please God...

Utilities (keeping lights and water off as much as possible; keeping the thermostat at 65 and wearing a sweater when the cold comes)

Basic Cell phone service- I will need to start paying my own way come the end of October. Ouch!

Internet/TV/Phone- because as much as I need to pay my debt, I need 911 ability when the power is out, internet for working from home, and TV for my kids so the next six months does not kill them

Food (store bought and only when I run out of stuff in cupboards and freezers)

School fees and Latchkey (like death and taxes- unavoidable!)

Allowance for John- cause he works so hard

Fairfield Community Center Pass for me- the exercise is essential to my health plan

Swing Class- again invoking the exercise clause, though I may start going every other week.

Doctor Dentist and Medication co-pays- cause healthy is happy

Car payment and Car insurance- with any luck, the Land Rover Payoff will happen prior to the end of my 6 month fast

Birthday and Christmas gifts for my children and our family Kris Kringle- this is a need for the holiday spirit, cause Christmas is still really hard for me.

Gas for commuting, oil changes, and other car maintainance stuff

Life insurance

Charitable giving- I have routine donations I make, but will not be making any additional donations till the end of the fast...

Debt repayment and emergency fund...

What I'm NOT spending money on:
Books… painful even to list…

Cards and Gifts - truth be told, I probably have enough cards in the house to last a year

Clothes/Coats/and any other thing worn on the body.

Trinkets…AKA crap...There is a great deal of stuff that fits in this category...

New make-up, hair stuff- bands, elastics etc… This may belong with trinkets...AKA crap...

Eating out- no McDonalds, IHOP, Applebees… the list goes on but you get the idea...

Movies/DVDs… not even Harry Potter on DVD…. Already hurts…

Shoes…which usually is not a big deal for me…

Bed linens/Towels/Houseware items…after my stint at Macy’s, not really a huge issue…

Decorative house stuff- including paint and carpet for right now…… so expect their stock to PLUMMET during these 6 months

Cafeteria food… I spend a BOATLOAD of money in the cafeteria…


So did I miss anything on either list? As my friends, I encourage you to be BRUTALLY honest… And I need your input by next Monday because the fast will be starting August 1st...

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