Friday, January 9, 2015

Stuggling with the Catholic Church

In 1980, my friend Kathy and I trained with Fr. Barry along with a bunch of our male classmates to be alter servers. We were the first girls to serve at our parish. We served Mass at our school (we were not allowed to serve in the actual church at that time) and it was a great experience at a time when I could have moved out of the religious circle I lived in just as easily as I moved further in...

I love Pope Francis. He reminds me of the stories of Pope John XXIII throwing open the windows of the Vatican. Since he became Pope, I feel closer to my religious beliefs than I have since my divorce. I feel more welcome than I have in years.

And I am proud of a lot of the work the Catholic Church does with the poor and the needy in this country and around the world.

But sometimes... I read comments today from two prominent Church leaders that made me cringe.

"Cardinal Raymond Burke, who was recently demoted from the Vatican’s highest court to a ceremonial philanthropic post, also pointed to the introduction of altar girls for why fewer men are joining the priesthood."

The article made me sad... Are Kathy and I to blame for the reduction in the number of priests? I don't think so. Mary Magdalene didn't prevent the apostles from serving as our first priests, so there is a flaw in the logic that we did something to discourage boys from the priesthood.

The article also annoyed me when this man, this person in leadership, a Prince of the Church, blamed the pedophile scandals on gay men in the priesthood- a fallacy that has been disproved by experts who examine pedophiles and their crimes. It sickens me that he  is still spreading this nonsense as fact.

The second article was all about the disapproval of gay marriage. 

"Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski sent a memo to all church employees reiterating that any expressions of support for gay marriage — even if it’s only a tweet or Facebook post — could cost them their jobs."

Now, I for one do not care if gay men and women want to get married. More power to them. I don't see how the Church will ever do it for them, but then they won't let me marry in the Church either, because I am divorced. I don't like it, but it is what it is.

I do object, however, to the Church being able to fire someone who chooses to attend a wedding of a friend or family member who is gay. I would attend any ceremony I was invited to and would be honored to participate. Clearly I won't be working for any Church agency, ever.

Love your neighbor... Judge not lest you be judged...

I will add both these men to my prayers tonight.

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