Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Flying Pig Fundraiser

The following request was sent to EVERYONE I have an e-mail address for- if you didn't receive it, I need your contact info :)

Hello everyone, and I do mean everyone, as I am sending this to everyone in my contact list! (And if you get this twice, sorry!)

I hope this finds you well.

On May 4- 5th, the Flying Pig Half and full Marathon take place here in Cincinnati, and I'd like to ask you all for some help.

(And NO, I am NOT running in the Marathon/half/ etc- I will be working in the Charity Village at the DebRA table both days.)

I am asking for donations for children with epidermolysis bullosa (EB) a genetic disease. All the money that you donate will go to DebRA of America, the foundation I work for. Debra’s mission is to not only fund research for EB but also provide medical, emotional and financial support for my families struggling with the day-to-day hardships of life with EB.

EB is a very rare, genetic condition that causes the skin to be so fragile that it blisters, wounds, and scars upon touch both inside and out of the bodies. For some, the skin between their fingers and toes web so that they can't use their hands and feet. Some require surgery just so they can eat. Unfortunately, some never reach adulthood. Every day, my kids and their parents have to go through a painful process of washing and wrapping with special bandages that can take up to 3 hours. The bandages themselves can cost thousands of dollars a month, not to mention the cost of the surgeries.

For the past seven years, I have been working with these children, their families and their providers. I've spent many hours talking with these families about how this condition has affected their lives. The families are simply amazing...they break my heart, but many times, they astound me with their courage and positivity.

I don't typically like asking people for money, but I REALLY want to help my families. And I realize times are hard and not everyone can help... I understand if you can’t give…but if you can, I would greatly appreciate it! Please feel free to share my link. To donate, please go to this website:

Debra Flying Pig   And if you are in the area on the 4th or 5th, stop by our table- we will be selling our new t-shirts and all sorts of goodies.
Thanks again!

Best regards,


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