Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SB 310 passed and Awaits signature

So we lost our battle

A post on http://www.ohiovma.org/news/:
On May 22, 2012, The Ohio House of Representatives passed Senate Bill 310, the dangerous and wild animal bill,  by an 87-9 vote. The Senate subsequently concurred in House amendments in its session yesterday, sending the bill to Gov. Kasich for signature. The law will go into effect 90 days after being signed, and 60 days after that, owners of species of wild and dangerous animals and dangerous snakes will be required to register with the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

And a 30 million dollar a year industry is brought to it's knees.

You can read about the political fight here: http://usark.org/?p=986

Because of the cost and insurance requirements that cannot be met- this is a de-facto ban on exotic wildlife ownership

So what animals are affected by this:
“Dangerous wild animal”
(includes hybrids unless otherwise specified)
(1) Hyenas;
(2) Gray wolves, excluding hybrids;
(3) Lions;
(4) Tigers;
(5) Jaguars;
(6) Leopards, including clouded leopards, Sunda clouded leopards, and snow leopards;
(7) All of the following, including hybrids with domestic cats unless otherwise specified:
     (a) Cheetahs; (b) Lynxes (including Canadian lynxes, Eurasian lynxes, and Iberian lynxes)(c) Cougars, also known as pumas or mountain lions; (d) Caracals; (e) Servals (excluding hybrids with domestic cats commonly known as savannah cats)
(8) Bears;
(9) Elephants;
(10) Rhinoceroses;
(11) Hippopotamuses;
(12) Cape buffaloes;
(13) African wild dogs;
(14) Komodo dragons;
(15) Alligators;
(16) Crocodiles;
(17) Caimans, excluding dwarf caimans;
(18) Gharials;
(19) Nonhuman primates other than these nonhuman primates:
     (a) Golden lion, black-faced lion, golden-rumped lion, cotton-top, emperor, saddlebacked, black-mantled, and Geoffroy’s tamarins; (b) Pygmy, white-tufted-ear, silvery, and black-pencilled marmosets;
(c) Squirrel monkeys, including Central American squirrel monkeys; (d) Southern and northern night monkeys;  (e) Dusky titi and masked titi monkeys; (f) Muriquis; (g) Goeldi’s monkeys; (h) Brown, white-faced, weeping, and white-fronted capuchins; (i) White-faced, black-bearded, white-nose bearded, and monk sakis;(j) Bald and black uakaris; (k) Black-handed, white-bellied, brown-headed, and black spider monkeys; (l) Common woolly monkeys; (m) Red, black, and mantled howler monkeys.
(21) Any other animals designated by the director of agriculture in rules.

“Restricted snake”

(1) All of the following constricting snakes that are twelve feet or longer:
     (a) Green anacondas; (b) Yellow anacondas; (c) Reticulated pythons; (d) Indian pythons; (e) Burmese    pythons; (f) North African rock pythons; (g) South African rock pythons; (h) Amethystine pythons.
(2) Species of the following families:
     (a) Atractaspididae; (b) Elapidae; (c) Viperidae;
(3) Boomslang snakes;
(4) Twig snakes;
(5) Any other snakes designated by the director in rules.

"SB 310 passed in the Ohio House of Representatives by a vote of 89-9. Those that voted against it were: Representatives Boose, Buchy, Conditt, Damschroder, Goodwin, Christina Hagan, Martin, Newbold, and Uecker. It immediately moved to the Senate the same day, where it passed by a vote of 30-1. The sole senator voting against it was Senator Jordan."

I will remember this when I vote in the fall.


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