Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The summer is ending...

So since I totally bombed the spending fast in August, I have decided to restart on September 1st...I guess it is just like smoking. You think you can quit any time and find out, yeah, not so much... A shout out to my dear cousin Margie who is in the process of quitting cancer sticks...I am so proud of her.

Technically, my summer ended today, as my son started school this morning. But my pool is still open and dance classes have another week in summer session B, so I am holding onnto summer with both hands.

I am lining up what classes to take this fall, still belly dancing twice a week and salsa once a week and Zumba, certainly... But to shake things up, I am considering adding Body sculpting before Zumba on Saturdays and Spinning twice a week... I have until tomorrow to decide.

I have had my annual physical and was taken off 2 BP meds, so that was big news. Only one to go.

I found out that the Catholic Mass is changing, come Advent... Just when you get the whole Mass down, they want to have it be an exact translation...from Latin... I see stormy weather ahead for the part time Catholics of the world.

It is a time of transition right now. And while change can be good in the end, sometimes it is challenge getting there. So for those amoung you who pray, I ask for a prayer of peace and acceptance. Because even when God raises his voice, I can be stubborn and tune out the message.

And for those who felt the earth shake today- I am glad it was a talking point, not a tragedy.

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