Tuesday, April 5, 2011


A while ago, I read a book called “What is so Amazing about Grace”. I won’t even tell you how long I had it sitting on a bookshelf before I fit it in…you know how busy life gets, and any excuse will do when you need an excuse…

I read a lot. I own more books than some small libraries. I go through reading material quickly, always having a next read ready to go. I finish even bad books- hoping they get better. I reread my favorites over and over. Books can be like an old friend. But reading about God’s message can be a challenge for me.

Sometimes I get lost in the “what I have to do today, this week, this month” and lose sight of the small moments of blessing in every day. We all do.

Grace has been described as the true gift of Jesus Christ for the world, and my friend Liz gave me the book when I needed to find the peace of grace so badly…that I put the book on a shelf for several years. I am nothing if not stubborn.

Well, at a crossroad, I brought the book out and read it- it felt like a drink of tangy lemonade on a hot summer afternoon. I could not put it down. It was like the book had been written for me. What had I been waiting for?

I keep it on my book shelf, and take comfort from it’s message. Philip Yancey gave me a great gift and when I am struggling in life, I go back to the comfort of this wonderful book.

2011 has been full of challenges for me. I have been hurting, thirsty, sad and alone.

But not really. I lost sight of the important while focusing on the stuff. I have loving healthy children, good friends, a family that will always support me, and today someone told me I had grace. Wow! She praised me so in her message that tears came to my eyes.

So guess what I am pulling off the shelf tonight?

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