Friday, December 1, 2017

The Inn at Milleridge

Fifteen years ago today, I had my last outing with my mother at the Inn at Milleridge. It was her friend Mary's 90th Birthday party and my mom really wanted to go and asked if I would take her.  It was a Sunday and I had nothing planned so I told her I was happy to- even if it meant driving out to the end of Long Island.

We arrives at the snow covered Inn at mid-day and spend several hours seated with relatives of Mary- the man was a firefighter and we talked about the Firefighter physical test when I proctored the drug testing. His wife was amazed he was so chatty. We talked about my husband's pizza being the best in the world (my opinion, cause it is) and about my son's first Christmas coming up soon. We had a lovely meal and the singing was wonderful.

The Carolers were dressed as if from "A Christmas Carol" and they sang all afternoon.

It was just the perfect celebration of Mary and her life. Mom and Mary sat together for a photo. One of the last, if not the last, that was taken of my mother. This was back before every cellphone had a camera, before Facebook, so they promised they would send us a copy.

It never occurred to me to have them take a picture of me with mom.

In the business of children, work at the new job and getting ready for Christmas, I didn't see mom for her Birthday, and I have no clear memory of speaking to her that day, or any other conversations, because we talked all the time. None of them stand out in my mind.

Mom died Christmas day that year, and Mary gave me the photo at her wake. There is a little too much sunlight behind them but it was a beautiful picture. All my mom's siblings remarked on how well she looked. I promised to make and send copies to all of them.

I will always be so grateful for that last wonderful afternoon, those memories, and my photo. Not sure how I would feel if I had said "No" when mom asked.

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