Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I decided to get more fit, eat better and work out as part of my New Year’s resolution. So at Rick’s over the weekend, I created a Mii for his Wii, and he, John and I played with Wii fit for a while. It was fun. And a bit competitive. I could not get used to ski jumping (my high score was actually Rick’s, who was my stand-in after I became a snow ball for the 50th time) and Rick had me do his hula hoop high score. See with Wii, if you do activities enough, other activities get unlocked and you get to play “new” games.

We had a good time, got our hearts pumping and I decided then and there to put our Wii back to work.

John and I decided to take advantage of a quiet afternoon and get our workout done. But first we did our body test. This is where they track your progress, tell you how well balanced you are, and your BMI/weight. You also get to set goals and stamp the calendar on the days you work out.

So how long had it been since I had done Wii Fit at home?

774 days. Well over 2 years. Not my only surprise…

And at 774 days after my last Wii workout, the icon gave me additional bad news- I had gained 9.3 pounds over that time frame. Almost 5 pounds a year. And my Wii fit age… I don’t even want to discuss it.

So I moved on to training…I rocked the hula hoop, and balancing to drop ball figures went well. I still can’t make it to the end of the river without popping my bubble…a feat my sister was able to master, and I am a little rusty on the step aerobics portion, but I managed to slalom to the bottom (still a snowball in ski jumping)

Then I did the long run- 10 minutes of jogging in place while I travelled virtually through a park over a bridge…I was breathing heavy, and had not left my living room.

After a varied workout of 30 minutes each, John and I relaxed. We agreed to give it a go again tomorrow, and I hope to get Liz to do it with us.

In addition, we have the Wii “Just Dance” which is full of songs I know and love. Let the fun (and fitness) begin…

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