Friday, February 15, 2019

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School- one year on

On February 15, 2018, my daughter Liz wrote:

"Yesterday, In Cincinnati, my little brother had an assembly at school with the focus of creating awareness to prevent acts of violence against others and themselves.
& at the same time In Parkland, my little sister hid in her classroom as a shooter was on the loose.
The 24 hour news cycle will soon be up and there will be something new to talk about. However, if we continue to do the same thing, nothing, then we will end up with the same results. It’s not up to the next person to change things, it’s up to all of us."

On February 14, 2018, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida was the site of a school shooting that left 17 dead and 17 injured.  Hundreds more were like my daughter's little sister. 

Diana was a senior at the time, and getting ready to do a presentation when gunfire erupted. She and her classmates hid until they were evacuated by police.

Liz was frantic trying to get information after the story broke on the national news- she knew right away that it was the school Diana attended. Liz called me asking if I knew anything or had heard from anyone, because her brother, stepmom and father had not answered her calls. I had heard about the shooting but didn't know it was Diana’s school.

After a quick Facebook message to Vilma, we were able to confirm Diana was safe but it left me shivering. I cannot imagine how Vilma felt. How the parents of the injured felt. How the parents and families of the dead felt. Too much loss, such incredible suffering. And in my head was ringing...


It happened again.

This video was released in May

#MSDStrong #StoriesUntold

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