Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Confirmation Day

God School is how we refer to CCD in my house, because CCD disappeared and was replaced by PREP (still not sure what it stands for) since Liz made her confirmation in 7th Grade, back in 2006.

So John has attended since 1st Grade and recieved First Penance and First Communion in 2nd Grade, and this year is his final childhood sacrament tonight.

John has not been a big fan of God School- extra work, extra school... I get it, but you gotta do what you gotta do, and forming the basis of your moral self is more important than he understands right at this moment. He will thank me later... I hope.

I let him pick his outfit for the big day-

He has a black suit, black shirt and silver tie (His sister was with him when he bought the tie) and for his birthday, he got a black fedora- I had to add a ribbon to cover where we removed a patch.

He looks like a little mobster...

Then, to his horror, I made him get his hair cut. Cue dramatic music- he says it is the WORST HAIRCUT EVER!. And he had his formal picture done- so it is captured forever!

I am hoping the pictures don't show his pants were not yet hemmed....

                                                                Lyle and John at Practice- 2-5-14
Mean Mommy award to me...

At least his hat covers it, so except for when he is in church, he will be able to cover up... and his hair will grow back soon enough.

He got shoes and in one of the funnier moments of the run up to this evening, I made him take them off in the car when we got home from the practice last week and walk in his socks through the snow so he didn't get salt stains on the new shoes...

Mean Mommy, second award in the same day!

I brought the very well iron pants to my aunt to be hemmed, and the laugh of the day yesterday was her walking in to drop them off only to find a grown man sleeping in John's bed- she raced out completely flustered- it took a while for her to realize it was John's dad, George, who had arrived here yesterday.


So I am hoping tonight goes well- Confirmation followed by a trip to Applebee's to celebrate.

So proud...

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