Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Exotic Animal Ban Bill was signed into law

Effective September 3rd, owners of angerous wild animals and restricted snakes will have to register their animals and obtain  non-existent  liability insurance, or surrender their animals without compensation.

There are not enough rescue facilities to take in all the privately owned animals, so this ban will result in an animal massacre far worse than the sad day in Zanesville. These expensive exotic animals will be sacrificed for public safety. Personal property rights  of their owners won't matter.

Governor Kasich signed SB310 into law, and at the press conference called me and those who opposed the law "aggressive". He praised his good friend Jack Hanna. Others said our voices were heard...

Nobody mentioned that they ignored us.

No one opposing the bill was given an opportunity to speak. It was a celebration of the victors. And because the victors tend to write the history of an event, this was a "great success for public safety".

Teresa M. Scarmack is running against this bill's author, Troy Balderson, for the Ohio District 20 Senate seat.

According to Ballot pedia:
"Teresa McGraner Scarmack will fight to protect workers’ rights and to prevent further legislative assaults on public employees like failed Senate Bill 5, which was unfair, unsafe and hurt all Ohioans. McGraner Scarmack will continue to oppose any attempts that push a destructive, divisive and disastrous agenda on the people of Ohio by standing up especially for children, teachers and all public servants."

She also detailed her policy goals:

"As senator, she will make every effort to improve the lives of Ohio families by advocating for:

1. High quality education and fair funding for every child in Ohio public schools

2. Safe, good paying, long-term jobs

3. Affordable health coverage and quality care for all, especially women

4. Clean, safe energy standards that protect public health and safety"

You can learn more about her at: http://teresaforohio.com/. Because Balderson needs to go...

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