Friday, May 7, 2010

Falling off the sidewalk...

Or tripping off the sidewalk...stumbling, maybe...


I was walking into the hospital, thinking about the busy clinic day ahead. There is a cement path that leads from the garage to the sidewalk that forms a "T" shape- the edge where the path meets the sidewalk is mulched, but sits about two inches below the cement. As the front of my shoe went down in the mulch, my next step caught on the sidewalk and I fell forward.

I landed full force on my left knee.

Mortified, my first instinct was to jump up, but the pain was blinding.

I rolled to my side and tried to prepare myself for the act of standing.

Then the firemen arrived.

Really? Firemen. I wasn't dying... because you don't die of embarrassment.

They asked if I wanted an ambulance...Did I mention I wasn't dying?

I declined the ambulance and they helped get me up off the ground and onto a bench.

That is where I was when the Code Team arrived from the main hospital building. They actually seemed disappointed that I wasn't actually dying. But then they did run the half mile to get to me. Did I mention that one was packing an O2 tank. Yeah, they were not happy.

I thanked them for coming and the firemen insisted on walking with me to my office. I will never live this down.

I was in a good amount of pain, and called employee health, who wanted me to go get an x-ray at another place even though we have a radiology dept right here.

Then I had to go to employee health. Where I was told I might have a fracture of the patella- AKA kneecap...


So I go to Ortho tomorrow and am on pain meds tonight.

Don't even ask how bad I am on crutches.

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