Monday, March 26, 2012

Mad Men

I am pretty excited. Yesterday, after a rain shortened NASCAR victory for Tony Stewart, that coincidently saved Jimmie Johnson some points, I got to sit down with a two hour helping of Mad Men.

After a 17 month drought, Don Draper and company are back. SCDP is still struggling financially, after losing Lucky Strike as a client, made obvious by the secretary sharing between Don and Roger.

Lane is all out of money, personally, and cannot pay his son’s school tuition, Joan’s mom, living with her to help with Joan’s son, is the nightmare mom. Peter is living in Connecticut- odd for a man who does not drive- and is the Big accounts man in the little office. And Dom experiences the drawbacks of having a YOUNG wife. Megan, in fairness, loves him for all he is, including Dick Whitman.

So much fun.

CAN'T wait for Sunday night!


  1. Am I the only person who doesn't watch this show?! May be time to Netflix the first few seasons and see what the fuss is about.
