1408 weeks since I became an “adult” at 18. Which seems like a million years ago.
And in this, my 27th adult year, I have decided to do new things every month with the lofty goal of trying 45 new things by this date in 2013. Because I will try almost everything legal once.
A short term bucket list if you will… And since 45 is a lot to fit into 12 months, I started in January...
First, I danced at that place with those people… The nine of us made a deal- like “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” so I can’t say more. I am sorely tempted though. And no, there is no publically available photographic evidence of who all was there (that was our first rule). Sorry!
Just know that it is A) Harder than it looks and B) An arm workout like none other.
A good time was had by all!
I also ate at a French restaurant and had (insert gasp here) snails and frog legs. My first time for both. I am not even sure what snails qualify as… shellfish? Even after eating them… they are hard to describe. Like mushrooms. Sort of. And the legs were like any game meat- a bit on the tough side and not something I will need to try again.
February was raw fish- which goes against everything I ever learned in my YEARS working in Infectious Disease… Kyotos in Montgomery. I went with a friend and her husband, who ordered for us. A boat shaped tray was delivered with about 10 choices of types. And it was all really good. I had eel, tuna, salmon and other stuff, with veggies and rice, of course. Each piece is the perfect mouthful. I am surprised at how much I enjoyed the adventure. So much that I had it twice the following week. At this point I am officially a convert.
I also bottle fed lambs out at my cousin’s house. She had a baby and her husband had the animals and the other children to take care of, so I turned up and did what I could. The lambs are so little. I want to do it again.
On March 2, when my son worked with my cousin's husband on a dessert for Cub Scouts "Blue and Gold", I had my cousin dye my hair. So now I am a redhead. I am thinking I might go darker red next time, but considering how much gray hair we had to cover, it came out really nice, even if it looks a little pink in some lighting...
And to really stir things up, on March 10th, I performed with my Dunyavi class at a fundraiser. With live music in front of a live audience. Including people I actually know. Not sure if we will win "America's Funniest Home Videos" with the footage, taken by my son on his I-pod... I was actually impressed in looking at it how well we all stayed in time. I have no real memory of it, it is all a blur. My hands shook so bad even after we finished that I almost spilled my soda.
On the 11th I hosted a Lia Sophia party and to tell the truth, I am seeing the upside of being a girlie girl- some of the jewelry is so pretty...
Yesterday I posted my first YouTube Video (of us dancing at the hafla).
Today I am heading to the dentist to (finally) replace the tooth I lost 10 years ago... My very first (and God willing last) implant. Why did I wait so long? Let's just say it took me a while to warm up to the idea.
So that means I need to do another 35 new things by this date next year. Glass-blowing, driving a tractor, and a hot air balloon ride are on my list, but I am hoping some of you will have ideas of things to try, so please leave your comments.
And wish me luck!
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