My son had his Blue and Gold dinner on Saturday. It is the biggest award ceremony in the Cub Scout year and we had over 170 folks for the event this year and we had a soup/salad/sandwich meal that was simply wonderful.
The boys (with a male adult) made all the desserts.
John participated in the MC’ing of the event along with the other boy in his den. Each den did a skit, then received their rank badges.
And I thought… how little the Tigers looked. Was John ever that small?... How hard it must be for so many little boys to all sit still for any length of time…
But mostly what ran through my head was… how quickly the time ran by. It was the fall of 2007 when we signed up and he started as a Tiger. Countless Cub-a-rees, Spook-a-rees, Pinewood Derbies, Rummage sales, car washes and camp-outs have come and gone. Beltloops and arrow heads have been earned, rivers have been cleaned up, and leaves have been raked.And who can forget about popcorn! John has met wonderful adults giving back to the community… he has grown up with his den.
He received his WEBLOS rank badge and as I pinned it on his uniform, I felt proud of this amazing young man.
So proud!
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