I don’t like scary movies. I am a romantic comedy kind of girl.
Historical accounts, period dramas… They are more my style.
Pride and Prejudice,
Band of Brothers : I just can't get enough.
Every now and again, I am in the mood for a real tear-jerker. Oldies but goodies include
The Champ and
Kramer vs. Kramer.
Do I have favorites?
I have eclectic taste, some big hits I love and yet some "great" films people rave about are ones I just do not get.
Gone with the Wind, yet
Titanic is 3 hours (or days as it seemed at the time) I am never getting back. Erica, just so you know- I am still annoyed...
And How Clint Eastwood won anything for
UNFORGIVEN is beyond my understanding.
I loved
Dead Again,
Conspiracy Theory, and even now
Silence of the Lambs creeps me out.
Top Gun still makes my heart race,
Sixteen Candles is still charming, and I LOVED
The Hangover - it had me laughing out loud. As a Harry Potter fan, I found the movies very entertaining.
My must see list of films:
1. 12 Angry Men- Powerful jury room story
2. 16 Candles- High School teen love story
3. A Christmas Story- How it was way back… a Christmas Classic
4. A Fish Called Wanda- fun to watch again and again
5. All the President’s Men- Watergate story
6. American Graffiti- how we got to “Happy Days”
7. And the Band Played On- AIDS in the early days, moving
8. Apollo 13- Space Race drama
9. Back to the Future- Marty McFly and the DeLorean
10. Beauty and the Beast (a)- The Best Picture cartoon
11. Beverly Hills Cop- fun and so funny
12. Big- Tom Hanks and FAO Schwatz- the dancing piano
13. Born Free- Just watched this again with my son, still wonderful
14. Bringing up Baby- funny, one of my mom’s favorites
15. Casablanca- Here’s looking at you, sweetheart
16. Close Encounters of a Third Kind- A different type of Alien movie
17. Conspiracy Theory- I loved this movie nobody ever heard of
18. Dances with Wolves- Post Civil War Western tale
19. Dead Again- excellent storytelling
20. Desperately Seeking Susan- Fun story in NYC, with Madonna playing a character just like her.
21. Die Hard- Action all the way
22. Dirty Harry- Make my day…
23. El Norte- Guatemalan children trying to escape to a better life
24. ET- still makes me tear up
25. Fantasia (a)- it has gotten better with age
26. Father of the Bride- Steve Martin goes crazy when his daughter gets engaged
27. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off- The day we all dreamed about in High School
28. Forest Gump- A new look at US history
29. Four Weddings and a Funeral- Best wedding movie ever
30. Gandhi- A great man who did gentle good
31. Glory- Black soldiers in the Civil War
32. Gone with the Wind- This is what a classic is
33. Good Morning Vietnam- funny disturbing and true to life
34. Goodbye Girl- What do you do when he leaves and sublets your apartment?
35. Goodfellas- Being made
36. Grease- Sandy Danny Rizzo and Kenickie still go together
37. Groundhog Day- do it over till you get it right
38. Harry Potter (3, 5 and 8)- best 3 of the 8.
39. Hercules (a)- Love the gospel singing muses
40. His Girl Friday- Reporter story with an excellent cast
41. In the Name of the Father- Terrorists? Not so fast…
42. Independence Day- Love Will Smith dragging the alien through the dessert
43. Indiana Jones 1-3- Indiana was the dog…
44. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World- excellent cast and funny
45. It’s a Wonderful Life- The heart warmer for Christmas
46. JAWS- Still scares me… that music…
47. Karate Kid- the bullied kid gets even through greatness
48. Kramer vs. Kramer- crying already
49. Lawrence of Arabia- Personal Bias- my grandpa served under him.
50. Little Women- Lovely story of sisters
51. Lord of the Rings Trilogy- perfection
52. Love Actually- Christmas romance alive and well in London
53. Mary Poppins- "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"
54. MASH- The Police Action that wasn’t really a war
55. Meet me in St. Louis- Love Ms. Judy
56. Miracle on 34th Street (original B & W)Santa works at Macy’s
57. Mission Impossible- Heart racing action
58. Monte Python and the Holy Grail- British humor
59. Muppet Christmas Carol- Classic Muppets
60. My Fair Lady- Diamond in the rough to pure gem
61. Nightmare on Elm Street (1 and 3)- Scary to be killed in your dream
62. On the Town- Fun silly and a great look at New York City
63. Out of Africa- I loved this tragic love story
64. Philadelphia- AIDS discrimination of a dying man
65. Pretty Woman- Cinderella works on Hollywood Blvd
66. Princess Bride- Fantastic fantasy
67. Rain Man- harder to watch now than at the time
68. Risky Business- “Terrific!! I’ve got a trig midterm tomorrow, and I’m being chased by Guido the killer pimp”
69. Rocky Horror Picture Show- Better on a Friday at midnight with toilet paper flying overhead
70. Roman Holiday- The princess takes a day off in Rome
71. Romancing The Stone- slapstick adventure comedy
72. Sabrina- Sometimes the love of your life just isn’t
73. Saving Private Ryan- WWII with your every wide open
74. Say Anything- “ She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.”
75. Schindler’s List- I will never forget that little girl in the rich red coat
76. Sense and Sensibility- Mr. Ferris and Cornel Brandon win
77. Sherlock Holmes- a new way to see Holmes and Watson
78. Shrek (a)A new look at fairytales
79. Silence of the Lambs- CREEPY Dr. Lecter
80. Sound of Music- “Somewhere out there is a lady who I think will never be a nun”
81. Splendor in the Grass- Natalie goes crazy for love
82. Stand by Me- Buddy film
83. Star Wars, Empire and Return of the Jedi- the newer don’t measure up
84. Terminator (1 & 2) “I’ll be back” and he was.
85. The Champ- the last ten minutes will make everyone cry
86. The Commitments- Like a visit home
87. The Godfather, I and II (Three was pretty awful)
88. The Hangover- Hilarious and original
89. The King and I- a splendid musical love story
90. The King’s Speech- The man who didn’t want to be king
91. The Muppet Movie- Personal Bias- The Rainbow Connection was my graduation song
92. The Outsiders- What happens on the wrong side of the tracks
93. The Philadelphia Story- Reporter, Heiress, and Ex… What could go wrong?
94. The Producers- A musical… About Hitler… FUNNY
95. The Quiet Man- Ireland and John Wayne
96. The Shawshank Redemption- Prison and the nightmare of an innocent man
97. The Sting- Con man gets conned
98. The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (The original)- My dad counted the money…
99. The Ten Commandments- always good during Easter week
100. To Sir, With Love- Race and poverty
101. Tootsie- When you can’t work any other way…
102. Top Gun- Best recruitment tool ever
103. Untouchables- George Stone… Hot Hot Hot
104. West Side Story- “I want to live in America!”
105. What’s Up, Doc? “Hi Daddy”
106. When Harry Met Sally- Can men and women be just friends? “I’ll have what she’s having.”
107. Who Framed Roger Rabbit- Cartoons in Hollywood and tunetown
108. Working Girl- Making your way to the top in an untraditional way
109. Yentl- Studying means she must be a boy
110. Young Frankenstein- Still making me laugh. “Put the candle back!”
111. Yours, Mine, and Ours (original)- blending families
Yes, I know some "great films" sre missing- perhaps because I haven't seen them or because I thought they were rubbish. This list is just my opinion.