Back when a small cottage was a newlywed couple's home, my mother Nuala was born in Ireland.
Her grandmother, born Ellen Ellis, was her grandfather's second wife. She encouraged the family to buy land as soon as they were able. Her father Eddie and her mother, also Ellen but always called Nellie, had nine children after her.

My mother went to America and lived with Uncle Brian and Aunt Regina, along with her sister Etta.
There she met my dad and they decided to get married. Her Shower was held at Uncle Brian's house in the Bronx.

They moved to Germany after they married as Dad was in the Army- I loved the car they had there.
They went back to Ireland for Chris' wedding.
Chris got all the dresses and the shoes from Mom, who had used them all in her wedding the previous year.
Mom, along with Gay and Ann, were the bridesmaids.
Mom also spent time with my dad's family in Dublin.
Mom with Pat and Ned
Ann arriving in Germany
Mom's sister Ann visited my parents in Germany.

Mom's parents came to America for a visit after Dad was discharged and they all visited Washington DC.
Dee and Mom in Uncle Brian's yard.
Mom and Dad lived close to Dad's parents and his siblings- This is Mary T's Birthday party at the apartment on 190th Street off University.

This is mom and me on my Christening day
One of my favorite pictures with Mom, but she hated the color of her hair at the time.
My brother's first Christmas.
Mom always had a ton of kids in our house.
The Nativity Play in Brooklyn
Cape Cod summer
Visiting Ohio
For Mom it was all about family.
Mac and Monica wed
Christmas in Yonkers
With Dad's mom and sisters
Christmas in the Bronx
My sister's wedding
Eddie Keith and Mom

Mom with her mom, Nellie and sister Rita at Colleen's wedding in Ireland.
My mom died on Christmas day just after turning 64. It is hard to believe how long she has been gone. Hard being without her.
I love you, Mom. Happy Birthday.
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