Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve 2013

Reviewing my resolutions for 2013:

I want to grow spiritually, emotionally and mentally, while shrinking physically.

Early in 2013, I had the flu. Despite having the flu vaccine early in the season, I got really sick. At the same time, a guy from the old neighborhood was also sick with the flu. Just as my doctor and I were discussing my need for a chest X-ray, this man was in-patient with pneumonia. He was intubated. And even with the best care anywhere, he died.

When I found out he died, my life changed. I called a doctor that day and moved forward with weight loss surgery. I made the decision to change my life and in September, I had a gastric sleeve and hiatal hernia repair. Almost 50lbs later, I am looking forward to moving more, doing more and there is no going back.

In August I realized a lifelong dream and traveled to Africa. I remembered how much I loved seeing new places and learning about other cultures. The result is a me I haven’t seen in a while, and I am loving rediscovering the girl I was.

I give myself a B+ for a job well done.

I want to spend more time with my family. I want to learn more of my family history and share it with my children.

I love spending time with my children and my extended family, and loved my time with my sister at the end of the summer. I love the nights when my son and I curl up and watch the latest greatest thing and when he jumps into the books I have long loved. I enjoy that helping my daughter edit her papers has helped her grow as a student. I love the holidays, with Pictionary championship play and good food with the celebrations… a good time had by all!

Again a B+

I want to learn how to be content with where my life is at the moment- be in the moment instead of wistfully wishing for a different life.

Taking a day at a time, dedicating myself to family and home, and living the best life I can while sharing my time with friends and exploring the world around me… there are still difficult days, moments of sad reflection, but they are fewer and farther between.

In this, a C+ shows my effort.

And for 2014…

Reduce the amount of stuff around me that really doesn’t contribute to my life…

Continue my focus on a healthier lifestyle and weight loss…

Reading more…

Spending more quality time with my children and family…

Spending less money...

Do a better job of being a positive person. As “Dear Abby” says, What is the kindest, most loving thing I can say or do at this particular moment?"

Happy New Year!

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