Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pinewood derby

When I was new to Cub Scouts in the fall of 2008, John's den leader Shelley distributed our pinewood derby kits and I actually believed the packaging when it said it included all the items necessary to build a pinewood derby car.

So I was surprised when I opened the box and found a small block of pine, four nails and four small plastic tires. It looked NOTHING like a car

I am no longer a novice.

Now, coming up on our 3rd pinewood derby, we have a glossy blue car- a beautifully blue masterpiece.

I bought John spray paint this year which made the entire painting process SO MUCH EASIER. (Last year's car had accidentally ended up purple so I was taking no chances.) Rick had cut the pine to look like a stock car at John's request, and while there was talk of adding decals and such, when push came to shove, John was not interested in applying them and I was not going to do it for him... It is supposed to be HIS project, not mine.

Last night we impounded the car- and when I say we, I mean John and Rick stood in line while I picked up our class Bs and John's popcorn prize. And chatted with the girls.

The race is Saturday. John really wants to win- he has been 2nd in the den two years running and wants a first place finish. We will see.

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