Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Keeper

So I was internet browsing and read an interesting article…

The 6 Guys you will end up dating was written by The Frisky on 4/7/10 (

The first 5 types were no as interesting to me as they once might have been, but number six caught my eye:

The Keeper: "Is this real life?" He's handsome, but he's no pretty boy. He's ambitious and successful, but not a workaholic. He's really into you, the real you, and maybe in some way that you can only admit to yourself now, you weren't even the real you until you met him.

I am dating The Keeper. It is hard to imagine at this late stage of the game but it is true none the less. Rick is not what I was looking for when we met in August of 2007, but over the last 2+ years he has been everything I need and more.

An electrical engineer, he builds the electric elements of the machinery his company creates. He was also a car mechanic, so he can do the vast majority of car stuff. And he can build and fix computers… I have NO skills in any of these areas. Changing a light bulb is the extent of my electric knowledge, which is likely sad news to my high school physics teacher who spent a quarter of the year on all things electrical. My car gets gas and oil regularly, and I could probably change a flat if push came to shove… but AAA was invented for me. And my computer skills are strictly user skills. My best trick for a sick machine is cutting the power, then plugging the computer back in.

He is my equal in Trivial Pursuit. He is not a drinker of adult beverages, and is a non-smoker. He is calm and patient and extremely kind. He builds Pinewood Derby cars with my son and urges me to be patient with my daughter

He has limited skills in the housework arena and sometimes in helping others (and I am in this group contributing to the problem) he leaves himself for last. Which means my car gets more attention than the construction projects in his home. So while he was away on business in China, a friend did a project on his list. My garden man will also be doing some yard work, with Rick’s consent.

I am happy. I am content. I love him.

He isn’t perfect. He is perfect for me.

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