Friday, December 18, 2009

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I hope you had a good year and are in good health. This year I have struggled a bit to be good- having a teenager should give me a pass straight to the good list, though. She is still breathing after all.

First I will start with what I want for other people:

1. World peace and an end to genocide may be outside of your league, but it can’t hurt to ask.

2. Peace and joy to all my babies and their families, and a special place in heaven for this year’s angels.

3. A sense of calm for all those who are dealing with the death of a loved one this holiday season. This is our seventh Christmas since my mom died on Christmas day, and I know too well how hard it can be.

4. For my dad: to regain his balance, use of his left arm, and have a full recovery from his stroke. By New Year’s Day, if at all possible…

5. For all my pregnant friends (better them than me!): to be as comfortable and healthy as possible.

6. For my brother and sister- that they each find a life partner that makes them as happy as I am with mine.

Now for my list:

1. All my laundry baskets- you travel the globe, so I am sure you will be able to find them. I used to have several large ones in both blue and white.

2. Big girl pantyhose that don’t make me feel like I am stuffing sausage as I put them on. In black.

3. Maid service for one year. Just to see if I like it…okay, I know I will LOVE IT, so make it two years.

4. Appliances- a new dryer and fridge for starters. Installed and warranted and all.

5. Four tires and an alignment for the Corolla so that when Liz hits the sign, tree, deer or curb, it is not my fault.

6. A free pass on “check engine” and “maintenance required” lights for one year.

7. Lawn care service- I HATE cutting the grass.

8. A U-haul truck to take all my useless crap to Goodwill, preferably before the New Year.

9. My Harry Potter movie- The United States Postal Service says they delivered it on December 10th, but it was not delivered to my house. And I also hope the Scrooge who got it by mistake gets coal in his/her stocking!

We are celebrating Christmas early, so if you could swing by on the 19th, that would be great. Make sure to spend ages picking stuff for my daughter that she can complain about, and RESIST THE URGE to bring every Clone toy known to man for my son. My house has not grown since last year even though John has. (See item 8).

Okay Santa- must run, we will leave out some health snacks for you…you can bulk up plenty on the 24th.

Best regards,


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