Friday, July 30, 2010


This is a list of questions that is traveling from blog to blog so I thought I would give my own answers.

What experience has shaped you most and why?
Peace Corps service has had the biggest impact on how I interact with the world because it helped me understand poverty and empathy and generosity on a level I never did before. It has made me a better mother, a better friend and a better person.

If you had a whole day with no commitments, what would you do?
I would brew a pot of tea, settle in with a good book and read in the morning, visit some vintage shops and have a leisurely lunch with friends, be home by the time the kids arrived home and do family game night with a run to whatever fast food place won the vote.

What food or drink could you never give up?
Tea- cannot do it.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?
Africa on safari- it is a lifelong dream.

Who do you have a crush on?

If you were leader of your country, what would you do?
Everyone would have medical insurance that covered all of their needs without bankrupting them or the country.

Give me one savory recipe that doesn’t include cheese.
Why cook without cheese?

What did you think you were going to be when you grew up?
From the time I was 12, I wanted to be a nurse…I know, boring…

If you could spend just one day in someone else’s body, who would it be?
Angelina Jolie…

Which woman writer, living or dead, do you admire most?
Jane Austin, cause she was able to capture a time and keep it alive. Love her.

What character trait inspires you the most?
Bravery- people who do amazing brave things make me proud of mankind. Like a guy who jumps on the subway tracks to rescue a stranger, or the woman who showed up to Newark airport to offer a stranded family shelter and food when they were unable to fly home due to the ash cloud and were out of money.

What is your favorite kind of music?
I just can’t pick one…Big Hair Eighties rock…Zeppelin, Floyd…Journey… Charlie Daniels…Meatloaf…Madonna… Billy Joel…John Denver… Depending on my mood, they are all favorites

What is one fact about you that most people who know you wouldn’t guess?
I am a birthmom. Most people I met after my first son was born don’t know about him. I don’t always feel safe sharing that information. Afraid of being judged.

If money were no object, what's one thing you don't own now or can't afford to do that you'd like to have or do?
I would love a Cessna- course I will need a pilot as well cause my vision isn’t good enough to fly.